“The artist sits alone,
creating then folding,
flinging those reflections
of heart across the gap
in hopes that someday
they will be caught.”

About Us

We’re a collection of friends and family who have shared together much of our walk with Christ. We have cherished each other’s stories, hanging on each and every word, as the stories of our friends have echoed off of our own. We have grown more, seen more, heard more of God, because of these shared stories. We each have our own unique passions and talents. We each have our own scars and broken pieces. And when we come to the table we bring all of us for communion with one another, because it is here that we are loved.

This mutual sharing of life has grown and changed over the years. We are scattered near and far, yet He has kept our hearts together. This is a set-apart table in the sprawling metropolis of the interweb where we can once again gather; bring a story, a song, a poem, an artwork, or a prayer. There will be funny things, sad things, things that will make us weep for joy, because the joy of it all is that we recognize each other’s songs, and we hold them in our hearts.

This group will start out small; our stories may stay privately between these few to whom we are extending our hearts. There are no requirements of pretense or perfection, only that you bring your heart, as well as you know it. And our promise to you, dear friend, is that what you fling, we will catch.

So keep flinging, beloveds. We need the stories only you can tell.

Meet The Collective


I finally started my blog April 2016 after realizing that I have stories that need to be told, and maybe they need to be heard as well. It was so strangely rewarding to throw my heart out into the wind. Some things were lost “in the wind,” but a surprising amount were caught, and that kept me going.
I’m an INFJ so there’s a huge internal world with crazy stuff going on that only surfaces when I make words come out of my fingers. I ramble, speak almost solely in metaphor, and get lonely even though I’m surrounded by those who love me. I love the ocean and fear the depths, but maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to watch me heal.


Creating stuff is a deep desire of mine (because I’m God’s), but you will find that I create in the strangest of ways. You will not find me crafting articulate poems or painting God’s magnificent creation (my friends on this page do this and they are AMAZING), instead I find weird ways to create. I dance. I make weird food. I come up with silly ways to make awkward people feel loved. I adventure. 

Adventuring is my favorite art and among my favorite adventures are knowing God’s heart and the hearts of those in this world. So, you may see that I fling an occasional airplane, but I look forward to the adventure of knowing more of my Jesus and my dear friends.


Word-smith and Song-maiden with a quick wit.


Our little moonbeam, Alice in Wonderland, connoisseur of the strange, neat, and/or yummy.


The neatest dude, discovering his heart.


Shield-maiden of Aslan


Hola, mi nombre es nacho. Encarnación es mi esposa. Hank es mi perro. Y Jesús en mi vida.


She’s the besssst.


She’s just the coolest, multi-faceted, artistic soul.


Welcome to the conversation.

An Act of War

Art is an act of war because it tells the darkness, “Come no further.” It holds up a lantern in the face of evil and says, “I know what you are, and I will let you have no more power here.” I may not be able to erase the darkness. I can’t make all these horrific things go away. “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.” Art lifts up the pen and paper, the ink and quill, the song and dance, and brush and paint, and says, “I am loved by the One who has overcome. Death has no hold on me, sin has no sting. And as such I can stand here in the enemy’s camps with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. Enemy, you can’t undo the victory He has done. And you can’t stop this victory from spreading through my art.”


We would love to hear your stories too!
If you have something you would like to share, you can do so here.